Doctor Who Bundles

To celebrate Day 7 of our Anniversary Sale we are offering up to 40% off some amazing hard copy Doctor Who Bundles, for a limited time only!

Doctor Who plays an important role in the Cubicle 7 story – it was working on the game that let CEO Dominic McDowall to take the company full-time, and certainly accelerated C7's growth enormously.

'Our core goal with the Doctor Who RPG was to make players feel like they were on a Whovian adventure of their own; exploring all of space and time, encountering aliens, talking their way out of trouble, and running away really, really fast when they couldn’t! '

Dominic McDowall

Find out more or purchase the Doctor Who Core Book Bundle here for just €100. It contains these 5 fantastic titles:

Our second offer can be found here- this Doctor Who Source Book Bundle includes the eleven source books listed below for an amazing €220!

All orders come with complimentary PDFs